Thứ Tư, 18 tháng 5, 2016

Revealing photos lovely lover of the singer "one wife" Phan Manh Quynh

Revealing photos lovely lover of the singer "one wife" Phan Manh Quynh

After months of love, the singer of hits "one wife", Phan Manh Quynh just showing pictures of his beautiful lover overwhelmed netizens.

Before known for the hit "one wife", Phan Manh Quynh beloved author with many hit by Ung Hoang Phuc singers, Run My, Ho Quang Hieu, Miu Le ... shown. It was not until the song "one wife", Phan Manh Quynh officially "light step" and become a professional singer. This song not only helps male singer "bombardment" of the charts, receiving many prestigious awards but also to gain a reputation in showbiz Vietnam.

Unlike other artists decided to hide the "other half" to the end to avoid non-market, Phan Manh Quynh decided to go public with the public lover. She is well-known singer fell in love Huynh Khanh Vy named, Khanh Hoa countryside. She was born in 1994, who majored in Early Childhood College of Education of the Central 2 Nha Trang, but dropped out to pursue his passion for business. Khanh Vy 1,66m tall and possesses a nice face quite expensive modeling show photos, play music ... Khanh Vy music video getting attention from the online community is not inferior to her boyfriend.

Phan Manh Quynh share, present, he is working girls but mostly art music video filming, closed modeling and advertising images. The couple love each other just a few months ago. Male singer met immediate love at first sight when they first met.

Owning delicate face, endearing the ideal height, Phan Manh Quynh girlfriend totally scored with the public

Early in meeting employers phenomenon "one wife" - Phan Manh Quynh

Early in meeting employers phenomenon "one wife" - Phan Manh Quynh

Phan Manh Quynh has a share short of what they achieved in recent years.
Phan Manh Quynh is considered as one of the "phenomenon" of Vpop in 2015 with the hit "one wife" is heard everywhere. Currently, the MV "one wife" has reached 50 million views on Youtube channel, dislodging a series of projects "crisis" of the other top names Vpop, though he was born in 1990 only new factor of Vietnamese music industry.

Besides the hit "Wife people" cult, Phan Manh Quynh also known as composing many great songs as "old lover" (Run My), "Where did you find about" (Ho Quang Hieu ) ... Owning special vocal but not so honest, gentle, simple compositions with, easy to get into the mind, Phan Manh Quynh is a factor worthy of future prospects. We had a short conversation with Phan Manh Quynh in the New Year's Day, while you're all busy with family Tet.

Phan Manh Quynh Hello, New Year this year what you have done then?

After finishing the tour stretches from Dalat to the 27 northern provinces until the New Year, my management company has stopped receiving until 2nd Year show with my desire to get a full spring with family . 3rd this coming New Year, I and colleagues will re-enter the tour, the central provinces.

Tet is the most special New Year that I have been in the past spring. Eve I slept a circuit from 11h45 in the morning, despite the rumbling sound of firecrackers while asleep.

2015 can be seen as a year of "change your life" by Phan Manh Quynh thanks to the hit "one wife". Personally he explains how the success of this song?

There are many things we can explain why it's become this or that, but there are many things we can not know why it is so prominent, attracting all the attention. In artistic success also implies luck, predestined, "time" of it. I think "one wife" conquered the audience's ears thanks to fun tunes, catchy words and sympathy of many.

Part MV "one wife" version "wedding break" is one of the hottest music video of 2015. You onetime MV Vpop to implement something new, saying it's bad, poor quality, but the final product the back is a lot of supporters, which makes Quynh thinking?

I never regret or wonder about what they have decided. As shared, no one knows anything, even predestined. What has passed, let it go. I am satisfied with the new version, it will always feel comfortable, so decided to select and recommend it widely to the public. Each had two faces, losing only.

Phan Manh Quynh others think being identified as a fluke, music - lyrics so popular that lack aesthetic?

The audience has the right to comment anything they want. I respect and accept all things share of the audience criticized or commended though for her. "Wife people" surprise the audience favorite, emerged should also be called a fluke, the grace, or incentives to their group. However, both artistic activity is a long journey, those interested they will have their recognition, evaluation, recognition of capacity, efforts at different stages.

The recognition of the experts have to Phan Manh Quynh is interested, or he just sympathy from the audience?

Quynh wish the two are not?

Quynh lovers intend to join the new project my music, because she was lovely, much less hot girl!

Yes. I introduced her in the music video "When someone you love cry," just released his last before Tet. In the last image of me recently that she's engaged.

Phan Manh Quynh 2016 there are plans to share?

Upcoming activities outside music, the audience could face Quynh Phan Manh Quynh on the big screen. Small shoulders alone but make people like (laughs).

In the New Year, Phan Manh Quynh also congratulate your readers always fun, happiness and health are always in the best state.

Phan Manh Quynh Thanks, wish you continued to reap success in the new year!

Phan Manh Quynh scorching sun for 2 consecutive days to shoot a new music video

Phan Manh Quynh scorching sun for 2 consecutive days to shoot a new music video

Phan Manh Quynh's debut MV teaser "Tri century" is about to launch with many interesting things.
Recently, Phan Manh Quynh has launched a teaser video for "Tri Century" - songs on the theme of friendship is more popular with audiences in recent years. MV "Tri Century" is performed as a slow motion, recounts the friendship between Phan Manh Quynh clings and girls from childhood until old both. This is emotional surpassed friendship but not love, it truly is a soul mate in life.

To get beautiful movies, Phan Manh Quynh sacrificed "sun" outside in harsh weather 42 degrees during 2 days. However, the singer and crew were excited when completed MV to keep the audience on the upcoming 04/05 days.

Through photographs, we can see this MV is slightly bring quite "Korean", from shaping to angle, color tone, different from previous MV Phan Manh Quynh. Promise this will be anticipated by product innovation, more modern and youthful male singer.

Beautiful girlfriend Phan Manh Quynh travel escort forum

Beautiful girlfriend Phan Manh Quynh travel escort forum

Phan Manh Quynh Khanh Vy brought along his girlfriend took away serves nearly 15,000 students in Nha Trang in the program "Summer No India".

Last night -15/5, Vietnam is staging youth star favorite include: Son Tung M-TP, Phan Manh Quynh, Bao Anh, Hoang Son Soobin, Hoang Ton, Thang Binh Trinh, Justa Tee, Ha Linh Suni, Lou Huang had been in Nha Trang to participate in the festival night "the Summer Heat" in the trans-Vietnam string program "Summer No High" for students. Nearly 15,000 students and the young people were present at Nha Trang University to "Fire" singer and cult orchestra. Although the weather was quite hot, but do not reduce the passion of the audience and singers performing in the orchestra program.

To appear in the show, Phan Manh Quynh surprise lovely girlfriend Khanh Vy took escorted away. The Nha Trang is the hometown of Phan Manh Quynh lovers should both have enlisted together on tour this time. Khanh Vy prominent presence pink dress appeared with her lover. When Phan Manh Quynh performing on stage, she stood below watching supporters.

 Phan Manh Quynh appeared backstage friendly program

 Male singer excitedly sent to the audience as his hit series "My Wife Person", "Tri Proceedings" and "When The Body Love Cries"

Phan Manh Quynh Hoang birthday to Y Nhung

Phan Manh Quynh Hoang birthday to Y Nhung

Hoang Y Nhung singer had a premiere of the music video "The happiness of others", while the warm birthday party loving relatives and friends.

Numerous Vietnamese artists attended, along Hoang Y Nhung gatecrash such as Phan Manh Quynh Singer, Nguyen Van Son Nam Vuong Vu Ha, Vietnam Quang, Thanh Mai Hoa Hau Film, Lam Thuy Anh Runner, NTK Van Thanh Cong Tuan Hai fashion designer, actress Tien Vu Bang Cuong singer, songwriter Luong Bang Quang, Phan Ngoc Luan, Duong Ngoc Thai, Miss Bikini Kim Yen, Hoang Phi Kha Nguyen Dinh Vu, Ngoc Khanh, A Compliance.

Hoang Y Nhung singer rather short outfits, energetic and extremely sexy to perform on stage. In addition to the title song, "The happiness of others," Nhung Hoang Y also represents the song "East brutal".

Vietnam's Quang Nam singer brother Hoang Y Nhung's close, the last time, Vietnam Quang less appear on the big stage, he sang mostly bars, tea rooms, event. At the birthday party, the singer "My Love" gives the audience the song "Hotel California".

Hoang Y Nhung (real name: Tran Hong Nhung) which is the familiar names of many music theater in Ho Chi Minh City with beautiful vocals, warm bass. Y Nhung Mau was born in 1990 in a family with two sisters.

Since childhood, Hoang Y Nhung was soon revealed gifted music, painting, dance, but she spent her great passion for singing. However, luck has not really smiled at this beauty.

There are many growth opportunities in the fashion industry with her loving face, attractive appearance with "ant waist". Hoang Y Nhung especially when won the title of Miss Asia contest restore shine in 2013 but the original beauty of Ca Mau was determined to follow her passion of singing.

Y Nhung still perform at the music stage and focused vocal, choreography, set to play many different instruments ... Especially Asian titles restore shine Beauty Velvet also open for new opportunities. At the same time, the beautiful at the invitation of the two companies renowned music producer but Y Nhung choose to work independently, to walk in his abilities.

Y Nhung said she was always afraid of people calling themselves "mobile vase" or "foot long to sing". On stage, Y Nhung gentle image building, luxury suit the lyrical music of the fashion photo image is sexy, seductive.

Beloved through songs Y Nhung lyrical but always wanted to go beyond your limits. Beautiful people learn and challenge themselves with different musical genres such as dance, ballad ...

About 2 years back, Y Nhung less appear on stage, she spent time helping manage the family business. Beauty sharing, family only her two sisters want to take care of good parents. Currently, the business has stabilized, Y Nhung afford picked up living with their parents for care and can continue to live with his passionate singing.

Currently, these beauties are focusing their efforts for the music project. MV "The happiness of others," though new landmark debut but put more than 1.2 million views on online music sites.

The idea of ​​making music videos right from the first to receive Y Nhung songs. The story is about a young couple lived happily together but the husband's feelings change when you meet his wife's relatives. Abusing your best friend seduces her husband was blind and push you down the cliff to rob her husband but failed.

In fact, her eyes had recovered long ago and realized you deceived her relatives and her husband should have hidden to see drama from two of his most loved. Suffer because of betrayal but the girl has decided to abandon the husband whom she loved to extricate himself.

Reception of music fans are Hoang Y Nhung motivation to keep up ideas for new music video "I understand ..." singles to assert own style on the road singing professionally.